What to Expect on SAT Test Day

After completing the exhaustive SAT Registration process, submitting any requests for Special Accommodations, and familiarizing yourself with the format of the Digital SAT, it’s finally time for test day. The key to a stress free experience is reading up on what to expect when you’re taking the SAT.

Before we go into what you should expect on test day, make sure you’ve completed all the necessary steps prior!

Table of Contents

What do I need to do before SAT test day?

  • Check the requirements for your device of choice. In addition to the technical requirements for the device, consider the battery life. If your device doesn’t hold a charge for at least 4 hours, look for another option. 
  • Install the Bluebook™ application. This is the program that you’ll use during the exam in the center.
  • Complete at least 1 model SAT test on Bluebook™– it’s important to get used to the format.
  • Do a quick exam setup to confirm that your device meets the requirements up to 5 days before the exam. This will also be the only way to download your test and generate your admission ticket.

What do I need to take to the testing center?

  • The device you’ll be using: if you’re bringing a tablet, you’ll need to bring an external keyboard as well.
  • Your admission ticket 
  • Approved photo ID: the name on the ID must match the name used during registration 
  • Pencils / pens for math work (paper will be provided)
  • Approved calculator (though there is an onscreen calculator available)

What should I take to the testing center?

  • An analogue watch – as you won’t have access to your mobile phone, you may want to keep track of time during the breaks. Avoid watches with an audible alarm: the last thing you want is for an alarm to go off during the exam.
  • A charging cable though students are not guaranteed access to an outlet, it doesn’t hurt to be extra prepared.

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What to Expect During the SAT Test

Firstly, punctuality is key. If your admission ticket says the test time is at 8, this means that the doors close at 8 and students will not be admitted after. Even though doors open 15 minutes before the testing time – at 7:45 a.m. and testing starts between 8:15 and 8:45 a.m. – plan on arriving at least 30 minutes early

  • Check-in: Your proctor will do the check-in and show you your assigned seat
  • Log into the center’s Wi-Fi. 
  • Open Bluebook™ for further instructions.
  • Enter the start code provided by your proctor to begin the test. Bluebook keeps a clock that counts down the remaining time in each test section.
  • You’ll take the 2 Reading and Writing modules first.
  • You’ll then have a 10 minute break. This is when the watch comes in handy to know when you have to return. 
  • After the break, you’ll have the 2 Math modules
  • Remember, you can skip around in each module and review your answers until time runs out, but you cannot go back to a previous module once you’ve advanced.
  • Answers are submitted automatically when the test is over. 

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Common Test Day Questions

Here are some typical questions that test takers have when it comes to test day.

Can I bring a mobile phone to the SAT testing center? 

Mobile phones are prohibited during the duration of the test – including during the break. Proctors will store mobile phones and/or require that you place your device in a backpack away from your desk during the test. If test administration staff catch you with your phone or if it makes a noise, you’ll have to leave the testing center and your scores will likely be canceled.

Can I ask questions during the SAT?

The proctor only answers questions about testing procedures, not about content or questions. With proper test preparation, test takers won’t be confused or surprised by the question types. 

What if there is an error when I try to submit SAT answers?  

Answers are saved to your device; therefore, if there is error during submission,  you’ll be able to resubmit.


By adequately preparing and utilizing the appropriate resources, you can attain your highest possible score on the SAT. Reading through this list – and double-checking the latest information from CollegeBoard –  is just one of the ways to make your test day a smooth experience!

Hopefully this blog post has resolved all your doubts. However, if you have questions in regards to your SAT preparation, get in touch and we will let you know how EPIC PREP can help you achieve your goals. Differently, if you prefer to continue reading here is the link to our SAT courses page.

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