Difference Between TOEFL and Cambridge Exams

Obtaining a high score on an English validation exam can be the key that opens the doors to many academic opportunities. So, the question is not whether or not you should have an English certification, but which of these certifications is right for you? In this article we will explain the main similarities and differences between the TOEFL and the Cambridge exams. We hope that this information will be useful to you in making the decision that best suits you. Let’s start!

Table of Contents

Are TOEFL and Cambridge Tests the Same?

Both the TOEFL and the Cambridge exams were created to evaluate the level of English of non-English speakers who wanted to study in an English-speaking country. Firstly, in 1913, the Cambridge Assessment English was created in England. And a few decades later, on the other side of the Atlantic, the TOEFL was introduced for the first time in 1964. Does this mean that one test tests how much you know about British English and the other about North American English? The answer is NO. This point is important for you to know, because unfortunately, too many still believe in the myth that there are modalities of English and each exam evaluates a different one.

TOEFL and Cambridge evaluate the four official language skills (writing, speaking, listening, and reading). Differences in accent or grammar between one country and another will not impact your score. If you have studied British grammar (for example, you say “shall,” not “should”), you can take the TOEFL. The same thing happens in the reverse situation, if you have become familiar with North American grammar (“color” vs. “color”), you can take the Cambridge exams, without this affecting your grade.

So what are the differences between the two exams? There are at least three main differences. Let’s look at them one by one.

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One TOEFL vs Five Cambridge Exams

The TOEFL iBT (as the current online version is known) is an exam that anyone can take, regardless of their level of English. The scoring system is similar to most exams we have taken in our lives. The more answers you get right, the higher your score will be, indicating that you have a more advanced level of English. This way, you will ALWAYS obtain TOEFL certification. The TOEFL is not passed or failed, only points are accumulated. The same does not happen with the Cambridge exams.

If you have noticed, when we talk about the Cambridge modality, we have been talking about “exams”, in plural. The reason is that there are at least five different exams, each designed to certify a specific level of English (A2 Key, B1 Preliminary, B2 First, C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency). This system has its advantages and disadvantages.

For one thing, unlike the TOEFL iBT, in which you are asked questions of different levels of difficulty, the Cambridge exam you choose will have questions only at that specific level. This can make the exam seem easier. For example, if you take the B2 First exam, you will not be asked questions at the advanced level C1. But if you fail the Cambridge B2 First exam, you will not obtain certification at that level, nor at lower levels. In that case, you will have to re-register to take the exam.

Examination Format

Independientemente del examen de Cambridge que rindas, siempre debes buscar el centro autorizado de tu zona para registrarte al examen y evaluar las fechas disponibles. Como te explicaremos luego, la sección Speaking es presencial y no necesariamente la realizarás el mismo día del resto del examen. Ambos factores (el hecho de que tengas que tomar el examen en un centro autorizado y la casuística del Speaking) hacen que los plazos para completar el examen sean significativamente más largos. ¡Por consiguiente, se retrasa el tiempo de espera de entrega de tus notas!

What about TOEFL? In Spain, as in most countries in Europe and Latin America, the current version is the TOEFL iBT (Internet-Based). The entire TOEFL exam is online and is completed on the same day. Depending on the version you choose (iBT or Home Edition), you can complete the exam from an authorized center or even from the comfort of your home.

Speaking: In-Person or Online?

The Speaking section is one of the biggest differences between the TOEFL exam and the Cambridge exams. All Cambridge exams choose to do the Speaking section separately from the rest of the exam, meaning that the Cambridge exams are done on 2 dates. On the contrary, the TOEFL is done all on the same day. This difference has a very significant impact on exam deadlines. That is, since the operations of the Cambridge exams are designed like this, the deadlines for receiving notes are much longer in the Cambridge exams than in the TOEFL.

Do you want to know how many TOEFL points you have?

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International Acceptance

Although both exams are widely recognized internationally, if your intention is to study, live, or work anywhere in the world, the TOEFL has already extended its reach to 160 countries and regions of the world (including the United Kingdom), with more than 11,500 centers. While the Cambridge exams are found in the same number of countries, but with 2,800 centers, many of them located in Europe. Consequently, there is a significant difference in acceptance in favor of TOEFL in terms of number of institutions.


To finish the article and help you sort out the information we have given you, these are the conclusions:

  1. The association of doing the TOEFL to study or work in the U.S. and to do the Cambridge to study and work in Europe is a false myth that does not correspond to reality.
  2. For every center that accepts the Cambridge exams as validation of English, the TOEFL is accepted in 3.
  3. The TOEFL exam is neither passed nor failed. A bad TOEFL day will allow you to obtain a score that will give you certain accesses. A bad day on a Cambridge exam means you fail and doesn’t give you access anywhere.
  4. The Cambridge exams can only be taken on specific dates while the TOEFL iBT allows you to take the exam almost every day.
  5. The Cambridge exams are taken in 2 sessions that occur on 2 different days. The 4 sections of the TOEFL are done in a row on the same day.
  6. Points 4 and 5 make the Cambridge exams timeframes noticeably longer than the TOEFL. If you need to obtain your English validation quickly, the Cambridge exams are not a good option for you.

We hope this article has answered your questions. If you have any questions regarding your TOEFL preparation, give us a call and we will be happy to explain how EPIC PREP can help you achieve your goals. On the other hand, if you prefer to continue reading we leave you a link to our page of TOEFL courses.

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