Using the SAT Mock Test in Your SAT Preparation

If you have been searching the internet you may have been surprised to see the number of SAT mock tests that are available to you.
It is very important that you know the structure of the exam and that you practice as much as you can before the day of the exam. In this article we explain the different types of Mock tests that there are and give you some tips so you know how to use them efficiently.

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Mock Test Types

There are multiple ways in which simulation exams can be classified: official exams (past) or inspired by them, online or paper exams, exams that emulate the structure and timing of the exam and exams that do not,… In this article we are going to classify them into complete and partial.

Partial Mock Test:

They are short exams that partially replicate one, two or even the 3 tests (Reading, Writing & Language and Math) that you find on the SAT. The functionality of these is to provide the candidate with a quick overview of one or several parts of the SAT. When you face this type of Mock make sure that the level and evaluation system is the same as that of the exam. The last thing you need is to create false expectations when solving a Mock test.

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Complete Mock Tests:

This exam replicates the 3-test structure identical to that of the SAT exam. Both past official exams and those inspired by them are valid. It is vital that when we face a complete mock, it maintains the weight of questions and the resolution times that are given in the exam. As with the midterms, they must also perfectly emulate the level of difficulty and the evaluation criteria. A complete Mock Test must place the candidate at a stress level as similar as possible to that of the SAT.

How to Use Mock Tests to Improve Your Performance?

Using mock exams wisely can have a very positive effect on your preparation. From EPIC Spain we give you 3 methods to incorporate the mock tests:

  1. Evaluation of your level: as an SAT candidate, the ability to diagnose what situation you are in before starting planning your course is very important. Using a partial mock test at the beginning of your preparation allows you to understand where you should focus your efforts and even estimate the time you will need to achieve your objectives. Here we leave you a link to a Mock Test that we have prepared for your diagnosis.
  2. Practice of acquired knowledge: as you progress in your preparation, rely on partial mock tests to measure the degree of assimilation of the knowledge worked on. It is especially important that when you finish all the theory necessary for each of the 3 exams, you test yourself. Focus on validating whether you answer correctly and, for the moment, do not obsess over the times, although do not lose sight of them!
  3. Final phase of your preparation: once you feel comfortable with the results obtained in the practical phase, it is time to test yourself. The SAT is a complex exam, more because of how it tests than because of the concepts evaluated. In this phase try, at least, to make a simulation REAL. The results of a well-done simulation will let you know if you are ready or if, on the contrary, you should go back to practice with partial mock tests.


The SAT is a complex exam. You will make a serious mistake if you think that just practicing will be enough to get a good score. Mock testing is essential but not sufficient. Use the simulation exams in combination with a specialized preparation course and you will achieve the objectives you set for yourself.

We hope this article has answered your questions. If you have any questions regarding your SAT preparation, give us a call and we will be happy to explain how EPIC PREP can help you achieve your goals. On the other hand, if you prefer to read on, we’ll leave you a link to our SAT courses.

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