If you are going to take the GED and need help with your preparation now it’s your turn to decide whether online or in-person classes. At EPIC we have been asking this question for years. For us the decision of whether to go for the in-person or online GED depended on what gave the best performance results for the candidate. In this article we reveal why we believe online GED preparation is an excellent choice.

Table of Contents

Advantages of Online Preparation

What do we mean by online GED classes? In essence, online GED preparation consists of teaching GED classes in a digital channel. In other words, the only requirement for it to be considered online GED classes is that the meeting between the teacher and the student is done digitally. The fact that the meeting space is virtual gives you many advantages:
  1. You can access quality training regardless of your location: if you live in a town or city where there are no GED preparation specialists or the ones there are are not to your liking, enrolling in an online GED course will allow you to access quality training that would otherwise not be possible for you.
  2. You can relive what you learned in class: A good online GED course will allow you to access the videos of your classes. Reliving your teacher’s explanations is a very powerful tool that will help you improve your performance. Imagine you have a question in your math preparation…would you rather review some notes you don’t understand or watch again the explanation of a specialized teacher who helped you understand a concept that was difficult for you?
  3. It adapts to your life: If you need to go on vacation, attend a family reunion, participate in a competition outside your city, … GED online classes will allow you to continue your preparation wherever you need to be. It is important that your GED training does not stop no matter where you are.
  4. You optimize your study time: Your GED preparation will take you many hours. Try to avoid wasting time that does not add value. The time you spend commuting, especially if you live in a big city, is time you don’t spend studying. Think about whether shaking someone’s hand justifies wasting an hour of your time commuting that could be used for your study.

Would You Like to Know How to Get Your GED in 5 Weeks?

Differences Between Live Classes and Asynchronous Learning

If you’ve gotten this far, you’re probably already convinced that an online GED course is an excellent option. The question now is, do any type of online GED classes work for you?

There are two categories of online GED preparation courses:

Live Classes

Live classes consist of a meeting between you and the teacher (just as with face-to-face classes) with the only difference being that the channel for the meeting is digital. This type of class will allow you to take advantage of the interaction of a teacher specialized in GED preparation. If you are looking for real help to obtain the GED with guarantees, this is, without a doubt, the most complete option. Here you will enjoy a personalized training plan that will be adapted according to your progress. Your teacher will give you the content you need at all times according to your strengths and weaknesses.

Asynchronous Learning

Asynchronous learning (non live classes) consist of accessing content, usually on video, that is identical for all students. Some programs additionally provide you with a limited number of hours for consultation. It is a DIY (do it yourself) type of training so you will not receive all the help you may need. These courses are very good for the companies that market them because they allow them to reach many students at a very low cost. They are born as a cheap option but they will hardly help you to fully prepare for the GED and get the GED score that you need.


Online training is here to stay as it greatly enhances the student experience. The fact that you can access quality GED classes from anywhere, connect and go on vacation with your family without stopping your preparation and, above all, relive a GED class when you need to remember an explanation you were given, make the online GED course the best option for your preparation.

Remember that if you are looking for a personalized experience from a company that will walk you through the entire process of getting your GED diploma, asynchronous learning may not be for you. Live classes will give you the peace of mind that a specialized teacher will guide you throughout your preparation and will answer your questions at each session.

At EPIC PREP, we have been preparing students for the GED since 2010. In recent years we have invested a lot of resources to create the necessary infrastructure to make your online experience optimal. That is why our live online GED classes are the national benchmark for GED preparation.

Hopefully this blog post has resolved all your doubts. However, if you have questions in regards to your GED preparation, get in touch and we will let you know how EPIC PREP can help you achieve your goals. Differently, if you prefer to continue reading here is the link to our GED courses page.

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