Preparing for the GED can be overwhelming. Let’s not forget that it is a qualification that is equivalent to a High School Diploma in the USA. That is to say that you will have to pass 4 tests with a result comparable to 4 years of high school education. In this article, we Will answer the 3 main questions that every candidate needs to know to pass the GED in Spain. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Where to Prepare For the GED?

As we explained in the introduction of the article, the GED has an extensive syllabus concentrated in 4 tests. There is plenty of content for both study and practice in preparation for the GED. As a GED candidate you will have to answer several questions: Can I face the GED preparation on my own? Will I be able to solve all the doubts that appear during the process? Can I achieve my GED goals with the time I am given to prepare without anyone’s help? if after these questions you determine that you need help, put yourself in the hands of professionals. Remember that the advantage of companies specialized in test preparation is that they have been where you are on multiple occasions, so they can help you reach your goals with maximum guarantees. However, the GED, unlike other certificates, does not have too many specialized preparation centers in Spain. At EPIC we have been helping GED students since 2010 with classes in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, and Bilbao. If you need GED preparation help, check out our courses here!

Where to Take the GED Test in Spain?

Currently in Spain there are 3 centers to take the GED exams:

– Official GED center in Madrid: Pearson Professional Centers.

– Official GED Center in Marbella: the American College in Spain

– Official GED test center in Barcelona: Knowtech

Although you may read that the GED is available online, this option is only available for students in the USA. In the rest of the world the GED consists of a set of tests that are taken on a computer at authorized centers. In Spain, although we only have 3 official centers, there are many options as far as test dates are concerned.

To check which center is closest to you, depending on your location, you should log into your GED account and go to the “More” section and then “Where to test” from the menu.


Would You Like to Know How to Get Your GED in 5 Weeks?

What Language Is the GED In?

As you know, the GED is a qualification issued by an educational institution in the USA. However, in recent years a Spanish version of the GED has appeared for those students who have difficulty taking the GED test in English. Currently, it depends on the center where you take the test whether you can complete the GED in Spanish or not. You should know that, although it may sound contradictory, if you take the GED in Spain you will not be able to take the GED in Spanish. The GED in Spain can only be taken in English.

The GED in Spain can only be taken in English, but you should also be very conscious of whether your ability to understand and express yourself in English will allow you to complete the GED. Our experience, after so many years of preparation, is that, if you have a minimum level of upper intermediate English, you will be able, with effort, to face the GED exam with guarantees. On the other hand, if your level of English does not reach this minimum, it would be wise to invest time in improving it before preparing for the GED. However, if you have any doubts about whether or not you should prepare for the GED, call us and we will be happy to help you evaluate your options.

How do I Request More Time Than Usual to Take the GED?

Each GED test has a specific length of time:

– Mathematical Reasoning: 115 minutes

– Reasoning through Language Arts: 150 minutes

– Social Studies: 70 minutes

– Science: 90 minutes

However, since GED applies the Americans with Disabilities Act and its amendments (ADAAA). This means that if you have any type of disability/learning disability you can request accommodation for your test. There is a clearly defined process for this that will depend on the category of disability:

– Learning and Cognitive Disorders

– Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

– Psychological and Psychiatric Disorders

– Physical disabilities and chronic medical conditions.

Here is the link for you to see the different documentation you will need depending on the categories listed above (This documentation must be presented to your doctor or therapist for completion).

Once you have the documentation you must follow the next steps:

  1. Create an account on
  2. Request the modified test.
  3. Upon requesting a modified exam, you will receive a link to make a formal request for an adaptation of your exam.

Please note that cases are reviewed on an individual basis and resolution usually takes about 30 days. If you are not satisfied with the outcome you may request a review.

Hopefully this blog post has resolved all your doubts. However, if you have questions in regards to your GED preparation, get in touch and we will let you know how EPIC PREP can help you achieve your goals. Differently, if you prefer to continue reading here is the link to our GED courses page.

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