When and where can I take the Duolingo English Test?

If you have already decided that you are going to take the Duolingo English Test (DET), there are probably two questions that come to your mind: When can I take the DET? And where should I register for the exam? In this article we help you answer both so that you can complete your registration.

Table of Contents

Where can I take the Duolingo test?

To register for the DET you must create an account on the official Duolingo website (or the Duolingo application). Once the account is created, you must purchase the exam. The cost is $49 if you purchase one exam and $39 each if you purchase 2 exams.

Once you have purchased and scheduled your exam, you only need to verify the following requirements:

  • Validate your internet connection.

DET requires that you have a minimum download speed of 2Mbps and an upload speed greater than 1 Mbps. Here are 2 websites (https://www.testdevelocidad.es/ and https://www.speedtest.net/es) where you can perform a speed test and verify that your connection allows you to perform the TED.

  • Have a computer with a camera, speakers and microphone.

To perform the test you will need equipment with the following characteristics According to Duolingo’s official website, 2-in-1 tablets may not be suitable for the DET.

  • Have an identification document.

Duolingo will want to make sure that the person in front of the camera is the person for whom the English level is to be certified. It is important that you have at your disposal a document issued by a government agency that validates your identity. The document in question must contain a photo that allows you to be identified.

In case you have any doubts about the 3 requirements we recommend you to contact Duolingo’s support page Contact them before closing your test date if you want to avoid problems.

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When can I take the DET?

Once you have registered as a candidate and paid for the exam, you will have to decide when to take the test. El DET, al igual que sucede con otros exámenes de validación como el TOEFL iBT, te permite tomar el examen desde cualquier ubicación. The DET, like other validation tests such as the TOEFL iBT, allows you to take the test from any location.. Don’t confuse being able to take the exam 24/7 with being required to register. Once you receive confirmation of the date and time, there are only two considerations to keep in mind:

  • You will not be able to take another Duolingo test until you receive your scores.
  • You may purchase a maximum of 3 exams in a 30-day period.

Keep these two limitations in mind when scheduling your test.

We hope this article has answered your questions. If you have any questions regarding your DUOLINGO preparation, give us a call and we will be happy to explain how EPIC PREP can help you achieve your goals. On the other hand, if you prefer to continue reading we leave you a link to our page ofcourses for the DUOLINGO.

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